So, today I was lounging on a hammock reading "The Simpsons and Philosophy" and listening to the Flaming Lips, when I got distracted by the calla lily tattoo located on my right arm. I just stared at it, mesmerized for a moment by the colors and the beautiful shading it contains, imagining what I might surround it with once funds are a bit more plentiful. Now, as you might be able to tell from my above spiel about my love of rocking fun clothes, I love clothes. I'm a sucker for super-soft American Apparel tees even though they're ridiculously expensive for a friggin t-shirt, and if I come across a unique piece that catches my eye, I have to have it. Labels don't matter much to me, and actually, the more obscure the better. In any case, this little obsession makes it quite difficult to get any saving done. I've been working for about 2 months since I got home from school, and I have a depressingly low savings balance to show for it. Granted, I went to Miami for a week and have been taking a lot of trips into NYC, so it hasn't all gone toward clothes, but I'm certain that the $42 I shelled out recently for a pair of zebra print leggings could have been better spent, perhaps on a tank of gas or a phone bill payment...
In any case, as I'm lying there staring at my tat, shining in the sunlight, I made a decision. I need my half sleeve, more than I need any more shit in my closet. It's already overflowing, and I love most of the stuff I have. So, I've entered myself into SHA, Shopaholics Anonymous, and am finally on my way to recovery. Now excuse me, I need to make an appointment...
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