However, under the right circumstances, certain people are excused from some of the rules of life. For example, only a child can stare down a Hell’s Angel on the subway and receive a smile in return. Or consider male wrestlers. They are the only straight guys who can wear spandex and roll around caressing each other without it being considered fruity.
So what about us modders? Despite all of the restrictions on us (tattooing bans, heavy modding laws, job-hunting troubles anyone?), do we still have special privileges in the world to call our own? I’ve been taking notes, and it seems that we certainly do!
3) Only modders can tell graphic stories to strangers who ask about their unusual mods or scars and have it not be inappropriate.
5) Only modders can use Listerine or apply Aquaphor every hour without seeming narcissistic.
See! We’re speeeecial. So next time you feel jealous of the little boy doing backbends in the middle of the mall food court, you can whip out one of your mods, lean over to the nearest table, and proudly inquire “Does this look infected to you?”
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