As far as my job search goes, I’ve filled out countless applications, handed out neat and concise resumés, and talked to so many possible employers that I feel like I’m working again already! Luckily, I think I finally found a position serving at a well-known Italian restaurant chain, but I haven’t gotten a final word or hours just yet. Still, my summer financial status is looking a lot less bleak after this week’s search. Thanks to everyone who contacted me with advice on being visibly modified and trying to find a job – all of the tips really paid off! For those of my readers on the same frustrating hunt, I’d like to recommend three pieces of advice that I felt were especially beneficial:
1) Bring a typed resumé, even if the company requires you to fill out an additional application. Be sure to include your education, work history, and at least 3 references. If the employer sees that you’ve come prepared and are responsible, you may get an immediate interview or at least look pretty dern sharp.
2) When you’re out and about, even when not actively looking for employment, keep an eye out for modified employees or even managers. If mods are already a non-issue, then you should have no problem getting an interview.
3) Let your personality destroy any negative impressions of you that are based on your mods. If you’re friendlier and more personable than other applicants, you’re more likely to get a job –mods and all!
I’ll leave you with some photos I took at a recent local music show of a tattoo done by an amateur tattoo artist I know. The main reason I wanted to feature his work is that he employs an interesting technique when doing custom pieces. He makes the bright colors in these tats really stand out by outlining the entire design in white ink! I personally love it. If you’re interested in his work, get in touch with me for his contact info.

Welly welly welly, what's all this then? I didn't know you were on the modding warpath here, Tan Tan! You should have told me, because:
California is certainly more friendly to unique bodies. I'm sure I could get you a temp job at my software company at $13 an hour under the table if you're looking for an alternative to waitressing in San Diego. We wear what we please, and look how we please, and we smoke wae every day.
P.S. We don't smoke wae.
hey thats dave's tattoo!
hahah =)
my family is also extremely close minded about tattoos\piercings. my dad said he went to a locel deli in town and someone who worked there had arm tattoos and facial piercings and he said he's never going to go there again because of it. he says that society looks down on people with them and automatically assumes they are dirty. i honestly threw a fit with him, especially because i worked at that deli and i had pink and purple hair and a nose piercing at the time and i cannot communicate with him that it does not mean you are dirty, he's just extremely close minded and i feel like i can't do anything about it... i just hope he doesn't spit on me when i get visible tattoos.
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